2016年4月27日 星期三

英國 Duran Duran 歷久不衰


杜蘭杜蘭Duran Duran),是1980年代至今歷久不衰英美流行音樂著名耀眼樂團之一,開創所謂「華麗搖滾」、「新浪漫主義」樂風之地位。他們樂風以「新潮」為主旋律,過往30年他們有21條單曲榮膺「美國流行音樂排行榜前100名」,30曲登上「大英排行榜前40名」、締造售出8500萬張唱片輝煌紀錄;甚至被流行音樂評家調侃為「英國音樂第二次大侵犯美國流行音樂樂壇」。

DURAN DURAN的樂風據說叫做「新浪漫樂風」,當時也被歸類為這個區塊的,還有另一個團體「Spandau Ballet」(就是擁有「TRUE」這支暢銷單曲的那個團體),重要的是,這個五人團體裡的每一個成員都長得很帥。

其中的鍵盤手Nick Rohdes 在80年代現在流行的很多東西他20幾年前都玩過了,


A View To A Kill!!

Meeting you, with a view to a kill
Face to face in secret places, feel the chill
Night fall covers me, but you know the plans I'm making
Still oversea, could it be the whole world opening wide
A sacred why, a mystery gaping inside
The weekend's why

Until we dance into the fire, that fatal kiss is all we need
Dance into the fire, to fatal sounds of broken dreams
Dance into the fire, that fatal kiss is all we need
Dance into the fire

Choice for you, is the view to a kill
Between the shades, assassination's standing still
The first crystal tears, fall as snowflakes on your body
First time in years, to drench you skin with lovers rosy stain
A chance to find the phoenix for the flame
A chance to die

But can we dance into the fire, that fatal kiss is all we need
Dance into the fire, to fatal sounds of broken dreams
Dance into the fire, that fatal kiss is all we need
Dance into the fire, when all we see is the view to a kill

